4 min read

100m Training

My training for 100 meters.
100m Training
Photo by Jeremy Thomas / Unsplash Usain ran in the rain.


This is a writeup I am doing on my 100 meter training regimen.

It's 100% useless to my current members. I recommend only reading for the rare humor, and if you have time to pass.

I will link future instagram posts here.

All right, let's get started.


I want to break the 100m world record of the Bolt's 9.58 seconds.

I am doing this by training hard, built upon an existing regimen.

This regimen is partly thanks to kuchipudi training (Mom has a non-profit here, dance teacher's instagram here), but mostly due to my trainer at Xtra Fitness, which was sponsored mostly by my mother.

Once I decided to break the world record in 2023, I've been training mostly by myself, more or less.

You can see my progress, here, on Instagram - but basically, given who I am, I am doing things very differently.

For starters, I am aiming for 100 meters, in 6 seconds.

I am also documenting my progress as best as I can, so more people google Xtra Fitness.

The Matter at Hand

Given my leg rehab in 2023 (my feet are parallel now!), diet investigation (avoid animal products, or ahimsa?), neuromuscular development (or why Amma gets fatigued last in the kitchen), and intense rest and recovery, this is my training sheet.

I started this on January 20, and it was very, very hard to do this, 5 days a week.

Thankfully, I have these options - I don't force growth, in an unsafe manner.

  1. Actual Time Taken can be anywhere from 0 (teleportation) to an hour. If I take 60 minutes just for stretching, then I just cancel the rest. Rest of the training, not resting. Bad use of puns in technical document. The point being, eventually, exponential progress will kick in.
  2. Form can be Perfect!, Good, bad, resting, or Dishonor to XtraFitness, the last being a negative score.

I think I can break the world record with this training.

Maybe 100 meters in 6 seconds, even.


I came up with a metric, and a verification system.

I will record my times on paper every day, but once a month is enough to graph long term growth.

Every 20th of the month, I will input my results into the computer.

I will use the following scoring system for most of these exercises:

Seconds x Form.

Perfect!, gives me a 4, resting just multiples by 1, and Dishonor to Xtra Fitness, a -1.

For depth jumps, which have only 10 reps, but are hard, and scary, this is the scoring system.

Number of jumps x Form x box height (in inches).

Now, looks like sprinting a mile in 5 minutes is impossible.

Here is the math:

  1. Usain Bolt rain 100 meters in 9.58 seconds.
  2. In a mile, there are 1609.344 meters.
  3. Running like that, the Bolt would take 2.79 minutes.
  4. But, a human can only sprint for 30 seconds, max, apparently 😅

For context, at top speed, Bolt reaches 27 mph - that's more than the speed limit when lights flash in a school zone, for cars.

So the score I am using is:

Sprinting seconds x Form

If I take a break every 3o seconds, for 30 seconds, the training becomes normal, but the score drops, which is healthy in this case.

Complexity of Ambition

I spent 2023/24:

  1. Preparing my body
  2. Understanding glucose, sugar, carbs, etc.
  3. Leg rehab
  4. Coming up with a job-compatible training system (my diet, glute issues and sweat won't be welcome at the office....)
  5. Researching fitness, running and energy systems, both spiritual and physical.

From this perspective, while I am impressed with my achievements, I am very behind as a runner, and definitely as an Olympian.

To put that into context, I did 1.39 miles in 23 minutes, last November, after getting COVID-19 a month prior.

My resting heart rate has lowered, as my heart is strong enough to pump the same blood, less often.

But, I can't get into running position - I don't have the flexibility. And I don't know how to sprint 🤣

2025, I start sprint training.

Therefore, most of the '1 minute for doing the drill' will most likely go towards just watching YouTube videos 😅

On top of that, the fatigue gets harder by the minute, and my sprint score is measured at the end, when I am most tired. This is to build endurance.


I input the data on January, 20, the first day, here.

You can see my score in the former column, and the ideal score, too.

Visualized, it's like this.

Assuming I hit the ideal score in 2027, with my score today, this is how the score changes over time ( assuming steady growth).
