King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword - I
I really liked this movie, and it went above and beyond entertainment value. I watched it 7 times, and each time I was forced to appreciate something new and cool.
It did a lot of things really well. For example, one thing that stood out the most was how deep the 'show, don't tell' was executed.
For now, I will focus on a very specific subset of the movie.
This article has the following format:
- Source material
- Lesson I learned
- Lesson you should learn
- Exercise to prove me wrong
I hope that by proving me wrong, you either teach yourself, or...I remain uncontested. Either way, it's a win.
This article focuses on the montage in the beginning of the movie, link here.
Note to reader: Someone I don't know left a very insightful comment on this video. It's not directly relevant to storytelling, but I think it's worth reading. The user name is RPAS6010.