Tiers Update
As my free trial of this site ends, I will be paying the costs of the service to keep the site going.
As I continue posting my work and including resources across the internet, a good way to pay for the costs of the site would be to post original articles to specifically help writers grow.
I will also post my work on the philosophy of fantasy under a tier. It's my view on fantasy, in an attempt to explain fantasy without referring to it directly. It's probably what Campbell did with The Hero's Journey, but it's not that analytical yet. I will put those articles in a separate tier, as it's too soon for students and probably society too.
I hope to keep the other pages open and accessible, but if these articles are behind a pay wall, then they will require money.
I wanted to let you know that in this post, so you can decide for your self if you'd want to invest in this site or no. My articles won't stick to a specific schedule, and while they will be very on point and profound, there is a good chance that those articles won't help you, or the average reader.
I repeat, if you are looking for a more structured way of learning, or working with a mentor, this is not the best way to spend your money. The resources page would still be a good resource though, most likely.
If I do the math, I know that if I had 500 members, and everyone paid 33$ a month, then I would earn a 6 figure salary per year.
I wish there was a way to impart knowledge without charging for it, but right now I don't see one.
Until that changes, I will continue linking to other people's advice as best as I can on my resources page for free, and posting my own work to increase my internet presence.
As always, thanks for reading!
Suman P. Jampala
p.s. - what do you get if you combine two undervalued disciplines of extreme significance to humanity? The Philosophy of Fantasy.
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